Drone Technology – The New Age Phenomenon

The term drone usually refers to any unpiloted aircraft Whether you call them Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Miniature Pilotless Aircraft or Flying Mini Robots, drones are rapidly growing in popularity. They are still in the infancy stage in terms of mass adoption and usage, but drones have already broken through rigid traditional barriers in industries which otherwise seemed impenetrable by similar technological innovations.

Over the period, from technically manning sensitive military areas to luring hobbyists throughout the world, functioning in various businesses and governmental organizations, it has increased the work efficiency and productivity, accurate accuracy, stronger customer relations & a major proponent resolving the security issues, drone technology has developed and prospered in the last few years. The agricultural sector had seen a rapid rise in the use of drones in the automation of the farming process. Drones are used to sow seeds, spray fertilizers, and manage to water the crop based on the photos of the crop by Image processing.

Drone Technology has become unknown – known quickly as more and more businesses started to realize its potential, scope, and scale of global reach. A drone can almost go anywhere in the world. Drone being a robot, can be equipped with smart devices such as a camera, GPS tracker, LIDAR scanner, distance sensor, and many more devices that are still under research.

The varied types of drones include –

  • Single-Rotor Helicopter Drones – Single-rotor helicopters look exactly like tiny helicopters and can be gas or electric-powered. The single blade and ability to run on gas help its stability and fly for longer distances.
  • Multi-Rotor Drones – Single-rotor helicopters look exactly like tiny helicopters and can be gas or electric-powered. The single blade and ability to run on gas help its stability and fly for longer distances.
  • Fixed – Wing Drones – Fixed-wing drones look like normal airplanes, where the wings provide the lift instead of rotors- making them very efficient. These drones usually use fuel instead of electricity, allowing them to glide in the air for more than 16 hours.
  • Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones – Fixed-wing hybrid VTOL drones are a blend of fixed-wing drones and rotor-based drones, featuring rotors that are attached to the wings. Due to its hybrid approach, this technology offers users the endurance of a fixed-wing design and the vertical flying capabilities of a rotor-focused design.

Drones, as they are of today, are very useful in a variety of tasks such as rescue operations, military use, hospital use but, there are also a lot of disadvantages of implementing them in current fields because of the lack of availability of the technology which is needed to perfect the implementation of drones. Drones being easy to use and having versatility, there is a future where Drones are fully researched upon and are being used for everyday tasks.

The epitome of the technology, drones are used to transform and build a strong technological ecosystem in India. Kisan drones are being used for crop assessment, spraying insecticides, fertilisers, and seeds, warding off pests, and checking crop health to overcome the hurdles of low yield and crop failure.The ‘i-Drone’ was launched for Covid-19 vaccine delivery to develop an ecosystem for healthcare Drone deliveries.

Thus, by empowering the masses with drone technology and making it a part of ordinary people’s daily lives, the goal of ‘Antyodaya’ (welfare of all) can be achieved, ultimately leading to ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas.’